Sunday 15 April 2012


(Prof. Dr. S. M. Aqil Burney (2008). Inductive & Deductive Research Approach. Retrieved April 15, 2012, from


There are 2 types of research exist, which are the Inductive & Deductive Research Approach. The 1st one, which is the Inductive Research Approach, works by moving from the more specific observations to a broader generalizations and theories. It can be pictured as moving from the bottom to the top. Any conclusion derived from this approach is based on the premises. However, this approach involves a lot of uncertainty.

(Prof. Dr. S. M. Aqil Burney (2008). Inductive & Deductive Research Approach. Retrieved April 15, 2012, from


       The 2nd one is the Deductive Research Approach. This approach works the other way, which is from the more general to the more specific. Basically, it moves from the top to the bottom. The conclusion acquired from this method follows logically from the premises, which are the facts available.

(Prof. Dr. S. M. Aqil Burney (2008). Inductive & Deductive Research Approach. Retrieved April 15, 2012, from

       The differences between these 2 approaches, aside from its sequences patterns & slight components differences, are at the starting and ending points. For Induction Research Approach, it moves from the specific to the general, where this contrasted with Deduction Research Approach. The 2nd differences are that Induction Research Approach tends to utilized observations in its arguments. Deductive Research Approach on the other hand favors laws, rules, and accepted principles in its arguments.

In his book, which is the Relationship Marketing: Exploring Relational Strategies in Marketing (Financial Times/Prentice Hal, 2004), John Egan (2004) stated that Inductive Research Approach creates empirical (meaning that something that is experienced or seen rather than on theory) generalization via the observations of particular examples. The conclusions acquired are beyond the facts, making it as nothing more than strong possibilities. This approach is usually associated with qualitative methods.

        Egan (2004) also stated that due to its workings especially that of its arguments, the Deductive Research Approach is considered as analytical and certain. This is also contributed by it being able to be deduced from the premises. This approach usually is associated with the scientific view of research.

(Andreana Drencheva (June 15, 2011). Inductive Corporate Social Responsibility: A Business Strategy . Retrieved April 15, 2012, from

            For my proposed research topic, which is the “Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) impacts on the consumers”, I have categorized it as having both type of Research Approach. The reasons behind my decision is that during the progress of this research, I will utilized previously related researches regarding the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the processes of identifying & gathering data & information, where this is known as Deductive Research Approach (Creating 1st impression based on other individuals’ observations). As for the Inductive Research Approach (Creating empirical generalization via ways such as personal observations), it will be implemented during my personal research processes to identify &gather as many data & information in order to prove that my hypothesis is true. 

I have narrow down my topic from Corporate Social Responsibility into its impacts on the consumers. I also narrow it down into several other related sub-topics, such as its impact on the business organization, and its roles & purposes. The area that I will use in order to conduct my research will be Kuching city, Sarawak, Malaysia, and I intend on acquiring the data & information for this narrowed topic via asking questions related to the CSR to the target audiences. Examples of the questions are:

  1. What are CSR?  
  2. What are its impacts on the consumers and business organizations?  
  3. What is its role and purposes?
  4. Does CSR very vital in business?
  5. What are the benefits it can provide, whether directly or indirectly?
  6. What are the consumers’ perceptions and receptions towards it?

Utilizing the above questions, I will be able to sort out the exact things that need to solved in the business area of the Decision / Problem Statement (Does CSR generate profits or losses to the consumers, or both?), and find out its impacts mainly on the consumers, as well as on the business organizations.

  1. Prof. Dr. S. M. Aqil Burney (2008). Inductive & Deductive Research Approach. Retrieved April 15, 2012, from
  2. Egan, J. (2004). Relationship Marketing (2nd Edition). Harlow, England: Pearson Education Limited.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Blogwriter (HafizLFC),

    I am pleased that you have picked our concrete and original illustrations of Process of Thinking and Research, Deductive vs Inductive, we produced on 06th March 2008 in a Seminar at University of Karachi (Please check the Title Slide). Thanks for sharing.
    It would be more fruitful to mention the true and original citation/reference of our work here while using it to acknowledge the Authors (me HUSSAIN SALEEM, and Dr. S.M. Aqil Burney, University of Karachi).

    Cite this as
    SMA Burney, Hussain Saleem, (2008), “Inductive & Deductive Research Approach”, Monograph/Seminar, Department of Computer Science, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan.

    Since this is a joint work of both the Authors, Both of them should be given equal privilege.

    Link to download full slides:



    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Karachi, Pakistan.
