Sunday 15 April 2012


Assalamualaikum and welcome to my blog. My name is Muhammad Hafiz bin Shahrom, or as my friend would like to call me, Hafiz. I'm currently an undergraduate undertaking the Bachelor of Business Administration    (Marketing) program at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)'s  Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB)
           To tell the truth, this is my 1st time blogging, and I'm very excited, yet very nervous about it. This blog of mine is created solely for academic purpose in order to aid me in completing my Final Year Project (FYP) that is directly related to one of the courses that I applied, which is EBQ2054 Research Methodology for Economics and Business, under the tutelage of my subject lecturer, Dr Rohaya Mohd Nor. For my FYP, I am very intrigued to study the Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) impacts on the consumers.
            Among the reason that I choose such topic is because I want to find out how many business organizations out there applied CSR in their business activities, and also the impacts that CSR bring upon those organizations (such as increase in companies images, and expenditures in doing so) as well as upon the consumers (such as customers' perceptions towards them and benefits received). I also would like to see how business organizations in Malaysia fares up against international ones in term of the CSR aspects. There are many other reasons, but they will be revealed soon in the near future.
           I think this is it for my introductions for now. I hope that this humble blog will always receive supports and feedbacks from time to time. :) Thank you for visiting. See you again soon. Assalamualaikum, and goodbye.

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